
               To download our current ESG Data Pack, click this link below.

To download our current Sustainability Report, click this link below.

To download the 2023 Sustainability Report, click this link below.

Bellevue Gold is committed to operating sustainably. The principles of sustainable development are embedded in our Vision, Purpose, Objective and PACE core values, which stands for Passion, Accountability, Care and Excellence. This ethos is delivering tangible benefits to the Company, by attracting like-minded employees and business partners to develop the Bellevue Gold Project.

Bellevue Gold has issued wide-ranging policies on climate change, diversity and inclusion, health and safety, human rights, sustainability and the environment which underpin our approach to these areas. Bellevue Gold is working collaboratively with the Tjiwarl Aboriginal Corporation (TAC) who are the Traditional Owners of the land on which we operate.

Bellevue Gold is committed to transparent disclosures and understanding the needs and requests of the Company’s internal and external stakeholders through a materiality assessment and reporting on important topics, in alignment with international best-practices, such as through the TCFD, UN SDG, SASB and GRI sustainability frameworks.

Message from
Luke Gleeson

- Chief Sustainability Officer & Head of Corporate Development

Bellevue Gold embraces the concept of shared value and believes that with the right culture and right technology, we can continue to build an industry-leading company and stay at the forefront of sustainability initiatives.

Our sustainability actions to date and shows our intent for gold production to be done in a symbiotic fashion by focusing on profitability whilst embracing the concept of sustainability. The Company believes both outcomes can be achieved simultaneously with the right level of strategic planning.

We seek to maintain our strong track record of transparent disclosures and setting new benchmarks in sustainability gold mining, such as working towards net zero (Scope 1 and Scope 2) emissions by 2026 for the Bellevue Gold Project, with the potential to market and sell this premium, ethical and carbon neutral product as ‘green gold’.

Luke Gleeson

Chief Sustainability Officer &
Head of Corporate Development

Our commitment to sustainability

The Company is committed to operating transparently and promoting ESG initiatives, which is demonstrated in the Company’s Sustainability Reports – which have both been published pre-production and is a testament to the early commitment that Bellevue Gold has made to operating sustainability and integrating these sustainable ideas into everything we do, and especially at the early stages of the mine planning and construction – which is when the largest and longest lasting impacts can be made.

The Company is cognisant of ESG reporting frameworks needing to be fit for purpose and address the material topics as surveyed by external and internal stakeholders.

Bellevue Gold made an early commitment to report using the Task Force for Climate and Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). This reporting commitment has recently been expanded to include the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board’s (SASB) reporting framework for the mining and metals sector.

Health & Safety

Bellevue Gold is committed to the health, wellbeing, and safety of all stakeholders including employees, contractors, visitors, and the broader community. Safety is an integral component of the PACE core values and the Company expects everyone to perform their tasks in a safe manner.

Community & Stakeholder Engagement

Bellevue Gold’s approach to community engagement is encompassed in the core value of ‘Care’ which is, explained that “We care for the health, safety and wellbeing of our community and people. Respect for our people, stakeholders and the environment is critical to our success.” Bellevue Gold’s engagement with the communities in which we operate forms a large part of the Company’s identity and aligns directly to the concept of shared value.


Bellevue Gold regards engagement, communications, and consultation with the community as a core component and is integral to maintaining its social license to operate. The Company remains committed to ongoing positive collaboration with its stakeholders.

People & Culture

From the initial stages of the Bellevue Gold Project, the Company has had a human resources strategy of becoming an ‘Employer of Choice’ through building an organisation with a great workplace culture and environment. This has enabled us to attract and retain a high calibre workforce. The social capital of Bellevue Gold includes employees, contractors, community engagement, human rights, Indigenous engagement and health and safety.

Land Stewardship

The Bellevue Gold mine will have a low impact on the environment, and the Company has been careful to respect the Aboriginal heritage and ecologically important sites. The mine was ben designed with strong consultation with the Tjiwarl Aboriginal Corporation and biological surveys.

The Bellevue Gold Mine is an underground mine and hence there is limited above-ground disturbance. The Company’s environmental stewardship is outlined through the Environmental Policy, which includes biodiversity, water, pollution, rehabilitation and mine closure provisions.

Importantly, Bellevue Gold is developing a new mine and is striving to make bold decisions now to enable the Bellevue Gold Project to achieve net zero (Scope 1 and Scope 2) emissions by 2026, which will be underpinned by a sector-leading off-grid power station with wind and solar power.

Bellevue Gold has a strong commitment to good governance on sustainability, which is why the Company has created the Health, Safety and Sustainability Committee which reports to the Board and is supported by the Chief Sustainability Office.

This is outlined in ESG-based polices, including the: